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既往不咎let bygones be bygones

某国与某国建立全面伙伴关系somebody and somebody announced a 'comprehensive partnership'

重修旧好/重建邦交restore/normalize diplomatic relations

重新修好getting back on track

消除分歧patched up their differences

坚定的朋友steadfast friend

将过去的仇恨放在一边put aside the bitterness of the past

设法和美国修好trying to mend fences with Washington

就战略性的经济和金融问题进行经常性交流hold regular exchanges on 'strategic economic and financial issues'

策略性伙伴strategic partners

尝试修补和邻国的关系try to mend ties with neighbouring countries

尝试修补破裂的关系trying to repair damaged relations

对台湾最大在野党最新释出的善意its latest friendly overture to Taiwan's largest opposition party

与中国关系正常化normalized relations with China

与台湾建交会影响该地区稳定undermining regional stability by establishing dipomatic ties with Taiwan

缓和朝鲜半岛的紧张局势ease tensions on Korean peninsula

扩大军事对话boost military exchange

断绝外交关系break off diplomatic relations

关系恶化sour a relation

关系紧张strained/tense/frosty relations

互相盛赞对方showered each other with compliments


After a 21-gun salute yesterday morning, Mr Jiang squired Mr Putin along a red-carpet to review a military honour guard in Tiananmen Square.


He was greeted with a handshake and embrace from Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

在演词、致词中in off-the-cuff remarks

两人之间的私下谈话a private tete-a-tete

和以前与自己作对的人握手shake hands with his former adversaries

政府官邸Governor House

军乐队奏起令人振奋的旋律the rousing strains of a military band

乘搭首班直通两国的巴士on historic cross-border bus ride


Mr Ma was not received by Mr Tung during his last visit in March 1999.

国歌national anthem

盛大庆祝was celebrated with great pomp and ceremony

超隆重欢迎a lavish welcome

开场白opening statements

与某人握手clasped the hand of somebody


A 19-gun salute was fired.

筹办千人接待会organized 1,000-guest receptions

欢迎仪式welcoming ceremony

欢迎辞welcoming address

(进行)谈判(hold) talks/discussions/negotiations

(谈判)不顺利(talks) falter (vi)

(谈判)破裂(talks) break down/founder/collapse

(谈判)陷入僵局(talks) reach an impasse/is deadlocked


A ceasefire agreement in 1997 laid the foundations for peace.

大致达成共识reach broad agreement

六日来日以继夜的谈判six gruelling days and nights of negotiations

分歧收窄narrowing differences

分歧扩大widening differences



A better relationship will only be forged through further contact and dialogue.

打破僵局break the deadlock

未能在该事取得任何突破failed to snare any breakthroughs on the issue


A complete agreement was out of reach.


There are no problems that cannot be solved through friendly and open consultations.

全体会议plenary session

再重新激活以巴和平进程have reinvigorated the Israeli-Palestinian peace process

在和谈上没有多大进展have made little headway in peace talks

在非常友好和开诚布公的气氛下进行had taken place in an exceedingly cordial and open atmosphere

在某方面仍有严重分歧deep differences remain over something

作出让步make concessions/concede concessions to somebody

作为和日本进行贸易谈判时讨价还价的筹码as a bargaining chip to extract other trade concessions from Tokyo


We can build mutual trust through communication.

决定resolution (n); She made a resolution to visit her relatives more often.

决议resolution (n) (diplomacy); to pass / adopt / carry a resolution/The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities./The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.

使节envoy; An envoy is someone who is sent to another country as an official representative. An emissary is someone who is sent with an official message or to do special work, often secretly./A special envoy was sent to try to secure the release of the hostages.


The week-old peace talks there between the two sides were near collapse.

协调北韩政策的美国前国防部长佩里US Policy Co-ordinator on North Korea William Perry

和平进程peace process

和解reconciliation (u)(sing); There seemed little hope of reconciliation between the two superpowers./All our attempts at reconciliation have failed.


和谈peace talks/peace conference

坦诚交换意见frank exchange of views

保持克制show self-restraint

宣布和谈破裂declare the peace process dead

宣布单方面停火announced a unilateral ceasefire

为以色列和埃及带来和平brought peace to Isreal and Egypt

穿梭外交shuttle diplomacy

美方贸易代表白茜芙US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky

美籍调停员希尔chief US mediator Christopher Hill

重新展开谈判reopen dialogue/reopen negotiations/put the talks back on track


破冰之旅ice-breaking trip

破坏和议/谈判scupper/torpedo a peace deal/talks

退出六国谈判withdrew from six-nation negotiations

高度克制,没有直接向巴基斯坦报复,令人钦佩practicing admirable restraint by not retaliating directly against Pakistan


绊脚石stumbling block

最后谈判last-ditch negotiation

游说那些组织停火persuade these groups to agree to a ceasefire

无实权的委员会talking shop

结束外交僵局end the diplomatic stalemate

新一轮谈判a new round of talks

解决resolution (u)(sing); the resolution of the dispute/The government is pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis.


If there is no common ground, there is no point for discussion.

达成协议reach/strike an agreement on something/to do something

达成和议reach a peace settlement

预示…的来临herald (vt); The talks herald a new era in East-West relations./These talks could herald a new era of peace

态度强硬take a tough stance

认输climb down over something/climbdown (n); The government was forced to climb down last night over its handling of pensions.

说服(北韩)重返谈判桌persuade it to come back to the negotiating table


Discussion and dialogue are far more effective than confrontation and empty rhetoric.


谈判策略a negotiating tactic

谈判筹码a bargaining chip

调停arbitrate/mediate (vi)


避免灾难发生avert catastrophe

避谈彼此的分歧glossed over their differences

断定和平进程告终,任由军方镇压暴乱consider the peace process dead and give the military free rein to end the violence


Neither sides appeared to have moved far on contentious issues.

签署和平协议,避免军事冲突the signing of a peace accord to avoid military conflict

边缘政策brinkmanship (u); Brinkmanship is a method of gaining political advantage by pretending that you are willing to do something very dangerous.

让以巴和平进程重上轨道putting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process back on track

世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization

世界气象组织World Meteorological Organization

世界卫生组织World Health Organization

世界粮食理事会World Food Council

国际民用航空组织International Civil Aviation Organization

国际金融公司International Finance Corporation

国际海事组织International Maritime Organization

国际货币基金组织/国际货币基金会International Monetary Fund

国际麻醉品管理局International Narcotics Control Board

国际劳工组织International Labour Organization


International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)

国际提高妇女地位研究所International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women

国际开发协会International Development Association

国际农业发展基金International Fund for Agricultural Development

国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union

万国邮政联盟Universal Postal Union

联合国人口委员会Population Commission of the United Nations

联合国人口活动基金United Nations Fund for Population Activities

联合国人口奖委员会Committee for the United Nations Population Award

联合国人类住区中心Centre for Human Settlements

联合国人类住区会议United Nations Conference on Human Settlement

联合国人类环境会议United Nations Conference on the Human Environment

联合国人权中心United Nations Centre for Human Rights

联合国人权委员会United Nations Commission on Human Rights

联合国大学United Nations University

联合国工业发展委员会United Nations Industrial Development Organization

联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine

联合国巴勒斯坦难民救济组织United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees

联合国印度巴基斯坦委员会United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan

联合国地区经济委员会United Nations Regional Economic Commission

联合国行政和预算问题咨询委员会UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

联合国行政法庭United Nations Administrative Tribunal

联合国亚洲及太平洋经济和社会委员会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

联合国儿童基金会United Nations Children Fund

联合国协会世界联合会World Federation of United Nations Associations

联合国周转基金United Nations Revolving Fund

联合国拉丁美洲经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America

联合国社会发展和人道主义事务中心United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs

联合国社会发展研究所United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

联合国社会发展首脑会义World Summit for Social Development

联合国非洲经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

联合国非殖民化特别委员会United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization

联合国特别基金United Nations Special Fund

联合国训练研究所United Nations Institute for Training and Research

联合国停战监督组织United Nations Truce Supervision Organization

联合国区域发展中心United Nations Centre for Regional Development

联合国国际刑事管辖问题委员会United Nations Committee on International Criminal Jurisdiction

联合国国际法委员会United Nations International Law Commission

联合国国际贸易法委员会United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

联合国妇女地位委员会United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

联合国救灾协调专员办事处Office of United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator

联合国教育、科学及文化组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

联合国统计局United Nations Statistical Office

联合国脱离接触观察员部队United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

联合国货币金融会议United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference

联合国麻醉品管制署United Nations International Drug Control Committee

联合国殖民主义问题特别委员会United Nations Special Committee on Colonialism

联合国善后救济总署United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration

联合国裁军中心United Nations Center for Disarmament

联合国裁军会议United Nations Conference on Disarmament

联合国裁军审议委员会United Nations Disarmament Commission

联合国贸易和发展会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

联合国贸易促进中心Trade Promotion Centre of the United Nations

联合国贸易与发展理事会United Nations Trade and Development Board

联合国开发公司United Nations Development Corporation

联合国开发计划署United Nations Development Programme

联合国禁毒中心United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control

联合国经济合作行动计划署United Nations Action Programme for Economic Cooperation

联合国经济发展特别基金Special United Nations' Fund for Economic Development

联合国经济发展总署United Nations Economic Development Administration

联合国资本开发基金United Nations Capital Development Fund

联合国跨国公司中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations

联合国跨国公司委员会United Nations Economic Commission on Transnational Corporations

联合国预防和控制犯罪委员会United Nations Committee on Crime Prevention and Control

联合国宪章问题委员会Committee on the Charter of the United Nations

联合国环境基金United Nations Environment Fund

联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programme

联合国环境与发展大会United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

联合国粮食及农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

联合国难民事务高级专员办事处Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

(为战争)作最好的准备make the best preparation for this

(误为)友火(所伤)friendly fire

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